homework 3


Haky Im


April 5, 2024


April 5, 2024

A. Complete the following assessments

B. Reproduce figures and analysis in lectures 5 and 6 (80 points)

  1. Download HapMap3 chromosome 22 data (5pt)
  • You can find the full HapMap 3 genotype data with other useful information here
  1. Download Growth Data (5pt) here
  • if you want background information on this trait you can read this paper)
  1. Calculate PCs using plink (10pt)

  2. Plot the first two principal components of the genotype matrix, color by population (10pt)

  3. Run GWAS of growth with and without adjusting for PCs (20pt)

    1. show qqplot and manhattan plot for each (10pt)
  4. Create HapMap Trios Relatedness Matrix (10pt)

  5. generate a tileplot to visualize the population and relatedness patterns here (10pt)


The following code will directly download the bed/bim/fam files

wget -O hapmap3_ch22.bed https://uchicago.box.com/shared/static/uu5fbx135qgp37spnrrsxrk4acuibkwh.bed
wget -O hapmap3_ch22.bim https://uchicago.box.com/shared/static/eh0thcbeo5sb1ywufrowtm3uqqgad0b2.bim
wget -O hapmap3_ch22.fam https://uchicago.box.com/shared/static/7py9smo190ucl6jrdwe0de8wjdc6rrwq.fam

C. Finish running the Marees GWAS tutorial

Using the output from the tutorial or using the commands you learned from it, answer the following questions. Show the command you used to create the result.

  1. How many individuals are in the genotype file you downloaded? (5 pts)
  2. Explain the contents of .fam, .bim, .bed files (5 pts)
  3. Write the captions for the figures generated by the commands in 1_Main_script_QC_GWAS.txt and 3_Main_script_association_GWAS (5 pts per figure caption)
  4. Explain what you accomplished with the tutorial and explain the results/figures you obtained. (20 pts)

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