lab 3

In this lab, you will run all the steps of a GWAS analysis using the Marees et al tutorial.

April 5, 2024


April 2, 2024



Some modifications to the code may be needed. Use them if you encounter errors.

Relatedness.R needs to change lines 7 and 15 to

legend(1,1, xjust=1, yjust=1, legend=levels(factor(relatedness$RT)), pch=16, col=c(4,3))
legend(0.02,1, xjust=1, yjust=1, legend=levels(factor(relatedness$RT)), pch=16, col=c(4,3))

line 31 of 2_Main_script_MDS.txt replace

plink --bfile ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.genotypes --set-missing-var-ids @:#[b37]\$1,\$2 --make-bed --out ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.genotypes_no_missing_IDs


plink --bfile ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.genotypes --set-missing-var-ids '@:#[b37]$1,$2' --make-bed --out ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.genotypes_no_missing_IDs

line 144 in 2_Main_script_MDS.txt replace

(base) haekyungim@Im-Lab-016 1_QC_GWAS % cat race_1kG14.txt racefile_own.txt | sed -e '1i\FID IID race' > racefile.txt
sed: 1: "1i\FID IID race
": extra characters after \ at the end of i command
(base) haekyungim@Im-Lab-016 1_QC_GWAS % cat race_1kG14.txt racefile_own.txt | sed -e '1i\
FID IID race' > racefile.txt

install qqman in R and comment out first line on Manhattan_plot.R and QQ_plot.R

##install.packages("qqman",repos="",lib="~" ) # location of installation can be changed but has to correspond with the library location 


Using the output from the tutorial or using the commands you learned from it, answer the following questions. Show the command you used to create the result.

  1. How many individuals are in the genotype file you downloaded? (5 pts)
  2. Explain the contents of .fam, .bim, .bed files (5 pts)
  3. Write the captions for the figures generated by the commands in 1_Main_script_QC_GWAS.txt and 3_Main_script_association_GWAS (5 pts per figure caption)
  4. Explain what you accomplished with the tutorial and explain the results/figures you obtained. (20 pts)

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