Liz Gibbons
April 12, 2024
In this lab we are going to use the PRSice software to take height GWAS results and predict height of the Personal Genome Project individuals using their genotype data.
You will have to install all these packages first:
(r code block)
(r code block)
If you are on a Mac install the mac appropriate binary:
(bash code block)
If you are on Posit cloud do the linux binary:
(bash code block)
Unzip the binary: (bash code block)
move the executable to the directory where you keep your software (optional) ** the first time you run PRSice, it will install additional components make sure PRSice is executable ** chmod u+x PRSice
(bash code block)
Terminal Setup
(bash code block)
(r code block)
query database users table
(r code block)
(r code block)
look at distribution by count for each column
(r code block)
(r code block)
(r code block)
plot height distribution by gender
(r code block)
create phenotype data file as intersection of the plink formatted fam file and the users table from the database repgp-data.sqlite3
(r code block)
(r code block)
execute bash command to run PRSice
(bash code block)
mkdir /cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/output
Rscript /cloud/project/PRSice.R --dir /cloud/project \
--prsice /cloud/project/PRSice_linux \
--base /cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/ukb_height.gz \
--target cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/repgp.chr# \
--snp variant_id \
--A1 effect_allele \
--A2 non_effect_allele \
--stat effect_size \
--beta \
--pvalue pvalue \
--pheno-file /cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/phenodata.txt \
--pheno-col height \
--bar-levels 5e-08,5e-07,5e-06,5e-05,5e-04,5e-03,5e-02,5e-01,1 \
--fastscore \
--binary-target F \
--thread 2 \
--out /cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/output/height_score_all
If you get duplicated SNP ID, follow the instructions
(bash code block)
Rscript $PRSice/PRSice.R --dir $PRSice \
--prsice $PRSice/PRSice_mac \
--base $WORK/ukb_height.gz \
--extract $WORK/output/height_score_all.valid \
--target $WORK/repgp.chr# \
--snp variant_id \
--A1 effect_allele \
--A2 non_effect_allele \
--stat effect_size \
--beta \
--pvalue pvalue \
--pheno-file $WORK/phenodata.txt \
--pheno-col height \
--bar-levels 5e-08,5e-07,5e-06,5e-05,5e-04,5e-03,5e-02,5e-01,1 \
--fastscore \
--binary-target F \
--thread 2 \
--out $WORK/output/height_score_all
This may take a couple minutes
plot observed vs predicted height
(r code block)
(r code block)
regress observed height with predicted height (PRS)
(r code block)
title: "lab 4"
author: "Liz Gibbons"
date: "2024-04-12"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Goals and Introduction
In this lab we are going to use the PRSice software to take height GWAS results and predict height of the Personal Genome Project individuals using their genotype data.
### Goals
- Download data from box
- Download PRSice
- Run exploratory analysis of data
- Run PRSice
- Plot observed versus predicted for height
## Setup
### load R packages and define paths
You will have to install all these packages first:
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
### Download data
- download the data from here and place it in a directory called DATA
- download PRSice software from <>
If you are on a Mac install the mac appropriate binary:
(bash code block)
```{bash, eval=FALSE}
# wget
If you are on Posit cloud do the linux binary:
(bash code block)
```{bash, eval=FALSE}
Unzip the binary:
(bash code block)
```{bash, eval=FALSE}
unzip ./
move the executable to the directory where you keep your software (optional) \*\* the first time you run PRSice, it will install additional components make sure PRSice is executable \*\* chmod u+x PRSice
(bash code block)
```{bash, eval = F}
chmod +x ./PRSice_linux
Terminal Setup
(bash code block)
```{bash, eval = F}
export PRE="/cloud/project"
export DATA="$PRE/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data"
export PRSice="/cloud/project/" # file/path/to/PRSice
export PRSice_os="PRSice_linux" # optional: which operating system is your prsice named for
#$PRSice/$PRSice_os --help
cd $DATA
export WORK=$DATA
## Exploration of the Data
### open the database with phenotype information and list tables
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
dbname <- paste0(DATA,"/repgp-data.sqlite3") ##This is just to create the file path to the sqlite3 file
## connect to db
db = RSQLite::dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname)
## list tables
query database users table
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
query <- function(...) dbGetQuery(db, ...)
users = query("select * from users")
look at distribution by count for each column
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
users %>% count(race)
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
users %>% count(gender)
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
users %>% count(blood)
plot height distribution by gender
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
users %>% ggplot(aes(height,fill=gender)) + geom_density(alpha=0.6) + ggtitle("Height by gender - Missing gender, *, has bi-modal distr.") + theme_minimal(base_size = 15)
## run PRSice
### create phenotype data file
create phenotype data file as intersection of the plink formatted fam file and the users table from the database repgp-data.sqlite3
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
fam = read_tsv(glue::glue("{DATA}/repgp.fam"),col_names = FALSE)
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
names(fam)[1:2] = c("FID","IID")
fam <- fam %>% select(FID, IID) %>% inner_join(users %>% select(sample,height,weight,gender), by=c("IID"="sample"))
execute bash command to run PRSice
(bash code block)
```{bash, eval = F}
mkdir /cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/output
Rscript /cloud/project/PRSice.R --dir /cloud/project \
--prsice /cloud/project/PRSice_linux \
--base /cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/ukb_height.gz \
--target cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/repgp.chr# \
--snp variant_id \
--A1 effect_allele \
--A2 non_effect_allele \
--stat effect_size \
--beta \
--pvalue pvalue \
--pheno-file /cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/phenodata.txt \
--pheno-col height \
--bar-levels 5e-08,5e-07,5e-06,5e-05,5e-04,5e-03,5e-02,5e-01,1 \
--fastscore \
--binary-target F \
--thread 2 \
--out /cloud/project/Lab-personal-genomes-project-data/output/height_score_all
If you get duplicated SNP ID, follow the instructions
(bash code block)
```{bash, eval = F}
Rscript $PRSice/PRSice.R --dir $PRSice \
--prsice $PRSice/PRSice_mac \
--base $WORK/ukb_height.gz \
--extract $WORK/output/height_score_all.valid \
--target $WORK/repgp.chr# \
--snp variant_id \
--A1 effect_allele \
--A2 non_effect_allele \
--stat effect_size \
--beta \
--pvalue pvalue \
--pheno-file $WORK/phenodata.txt \
--pheno-col height \
--bar-levels 5e-08,5e-07,5e-06,5e-05,5e-04,5e-03,5e-02,5e-01,1 \
--fastscore \
--binary-target F \
--thread 2 \
--out $WORK/output/height_score_all
This may take a couple minutes
plot observed vs predicted height
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
## we already have the phenotype data in the fam variable
predicted_height = read_delim(glue::glue("{DATA}/output/"),delim=" ")
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
combined <- predicted_height %>% inner_join(fam,by=c("IID"="IID"))
combined %>% ggplot(aes(PRS,height)) + geom_point() + theme_minimal(base_size = 15)
regress observed height with predicted height (PRS)
(r code block)
```{r, eval = F}
summary(lm(height ~ PRS,data=combined)) %>% coef()